CRE Logistics REIT, Inc.

Securities Code: 3487




Investment Policy

Investment Criteria

Based on the following investment criteria, CRE REIT aims to create a high-quality, long-term stable portfolio and provide high-quality investment opportunities to unitholders.

Investment Ratio by Investment Asset Application Logistics-related facilities: 100% in principle (acquisition price base)
Investment Area Tokyo Metropolitan Area(Note1) and Kansai Area(Note2) : At least 80%
Other: Up to 20% (acquisition price base)
Investment Criteria for Investment Properties Property size: Total floor area of at least 5,000
Property age: In principle, within 30 years(Note3)
Earthquake resistance: PML value of 15% at maximum in principle
(Note1) Greater Tokyo Area refers to Tokyo, Kanagawa, Chiba, Saitama, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma and Yamanashi Prefectures.
(Note2) Kansai Area refers to Osaka, Kyoto, Hyogo, Shiga, Nara and Wakayama Prefectures.
(Note3) A decision is made at the time of new investment.


CRE REIT plans to build a portfolio focused on logistics-related facilities that match existing tenant needs and aims to build a diversified portfolio by acquiring large multi-tenant facilities, etc. in the future.

Property Types Box Type
For tenants focused
on storage functions
Low-level Type
For tenants focused
on operational efficiency
Slope Type
For tenants focused
on location and
operational efficiency
Ramp way Type
For tenants who
often move goods
of fluctuating volume
Property Size   Medium–Large   Large
No. of Tenants   Single/semi-multi   Multi
Logistics Needs   Storage function   Collection/delivery function
Period of lease contract   Medium- to long-term   Short- to medium-term

Box Type

For tenants focused on storage functions

This type of facility is developed with three to four levels and emphasizes maximization of the floor area ratio since such facilities are in strategic locations near the heart of the city, where tenant demand is high. These facilities have exceptional storage functionality, the most standard feature of logistics sites, making them suitable for tenants focused on storing goods.

LogiSquare NiizaLogiSquare Niiza

Low-level Type

For tenants focused on operational efficiency

This type of facility is developed with one to two levels, making loading and unloading more convenient. It is ideal for both storage and collection/delivery functions and is therefore suitable for tenants focused on operational efficiency in areas such as collection and delivery.

LogiSquare HanyuLogiSquare Hanyu

Slope Type

For tenants focused on location and operational efficiency

This type of facility enables trucks to enter and exit directly to each level from the second floor up by way of a slope. Although these facilities typically have at least three levels, they can be used in the same manner as facilities with two levels. In addition, the facilities are developed to maximize the floor area ratio since they are in locations where tenant demand is high. Since they can be used in the same way as two-level facilities, they are perfect for storage as well as collection/delivery functions, making them popular among tenants focused on both location and operational efficiency.

LogiSquare Urawa MisonoLogiSquare Urawa Misono

Ramp way Type

For tenants who often move goods of fluctuating volume

These facilities have exceptional collection/delivery functionality thanks to a ramp way enabling trucks to enter and exit directly on each floor. This makes it possible to divide the facilities more minutely and in many cases they become multi-tenant facilities. The facilities are suitable for tenants who often move goods of fluctuating volume.

LogiSquare Sayama HidakaLogiSquare Sayama Hidaka

  1. Top Page
  2. Characteristics of the Investment Corporation
  3. Investment Policy
