CRE Logistics REIT, Inc.

Securities Code: 3487





Initiatives for Tenants

Good Location

・Easy access from public transportation, giving consideration to employee commuting convenience.

・Located in a suitable location for logistics near the interchange.

Support for BCP Measures

・Hold logistics facilities in inland areas with low risk of liquefaction.
・Install power receiving and transforming equipment at elevated locations as a flood control measure.
・Introduce earthquake early warning systems.
・Install disconnectors in automatic fire alarms to prevent the spread of fires.
・Install disaster prevention support system.

・Install AEDs.


・Install emergency power supply systems.


Specifications to Improve Efficiency

・Incoming and outgoing guidelines are separated to prevent congestion and accidents.


・Interior walls between offices and the warehouse space have windows in them to facilitate communication.


Specifications to Improve Comfort and Working Environment

・Install restrooms for outside drivers.
・Renovate smoking rooms to respond to the April 2020 revised Health Promotion Act.

・The women’s restroom has lockers and powder corner.

The women’s restroom has lockers and powder corner.

・Adopt warm-color lighting in entrances and truck berths, etc.

Adopt warm-color lighting in entrances and truck berths, etc.

・Established cafeteria, rental meeting rooms and retail space.

Established cafeteria, rental meeting rooms and retail space.

・Internal signage is designed to visually communicate warehouse functions.

Internal signage is designed to visually communicate warehouse functions.

Tenant Satisfaction Survey

Conducts a tenant satisfaction survey every year to improve amenities and convenience to the tenants and employees of its facilities. Share their requests and opinions with property management companies and others, and work to resolve issues.

Contribution to Regional and Social Development

・Install fire cisterns able to provide tap water that can be used to fight fires.
・Cooperate with traffic restrictions for the Saitama International Marathon.

・There is a helipad on the roof for firefighters to use in the event of disaster.

There is a helipad on the roof for firefighters to use in the event of disaster.

・CRE Activities
Hold a CRE forum for the purpose of sharing logistics issues faced by companies.
The remains of 74 pit houses from the Middle Jomon Era (about 5,000 years ago) were excavated on the site in the wake of the development of LogiSquare Sayama Hidaka, and we are cooperating with the local government in their excavation work, record retention and observation-tours.

Initiatives for Executives and Employees

Human Resource Development Policy

The Asset Manager continually provides executives and employees with professional education and training, opportunities for skills development to foster real estate investment and management professionals.
Moreover, The Asset Manager works to secure and maintain talented human resources by building healthy, safe and comfortable work environments and providing support ensuring a healthy work-life balance, and develop an environment in which executives and employees are able to fully demonstrate their capabilities.

Internal Training & Education System

The Asset Manager has an internal training and education system for all full-time executives and employees (including contract employees, etc.).

(Note) There is no temporary employee.

Training Outline

General training

  • Compliance training (four times a year) ―100% of full-time executives and employees have taken the course
  • Real estate market training (around four times a year)
  • ESG training (at least once a year)

Support for professional qualifications and knowledge acquisition

  • The Asset Manager encourages to acquire qualifications by paying for expenses and bonuses for acquisition of qualifications.

Qualification holders (including those that have passed examinations)

Qualification name Number of persons rate(Note)
Real estate broker 11 73.3%
ARES (Association for Real Estate Securitization) Certified Master 10 66.7%
CMA (Certified Member Analyst of the Securities Analysts Association of Japan) holder 3 20.0%
Real estate consulting master 2 13.3%
(Note) Calculated with the 15 people involved in the operation of CRE REIT (as of the end of December 2023) as the denominator.

Performance Appraisals and Feedback Processes

The Asset Manager holds quarterly 1 on 1 meetings with the head of department and the President for all employees (including contract employees, etc.). The meetings are opportunities for discussing a variety of topics, including goal-setting, work progress, career development and requests to the company, and help employees to improve their motivation and career development.
Goals are set at the beginning of the term, progress toward the goals and future plans(revision of plans if necessary) are checked during the term, evaluation results through the term are fed back at the end of the term, and meetings are held quarterly. We have established a transparent target-setting and evaluation feedback system with good communication between supervisors and subordinates.

FY 2022/7 FY 2023/7
Times Rate Times Rate
1 on 1 meeting with the President 4 100.0%
(all employees)
4 100.0%
(all employees)
1 on 1 meeting with the head of department 4 100.0%
(all employees)
4 100.0%
(all employees)

Engagement Surveys to Monitor Employee Satisfaction

The Asset Manager conducts questionnaires on employee engagement four times a year and confirms that respondents are proactively engaging in their work and are motivated to contribute to the organizations to which they belong. If any issues are identified, the employees themselves devise and implement improvement measures.

Non-Salary Benefits and Work/Life Balance

The Asset Manager has established the following various systems as part of its efforts to build healthy, safe and comfortable work environments and provide support ensuring a healthy work-life balance. In principle, all employees (including contract employees, etc.) are covered, with only exceptions noted.

Improvement of the work environment

  • Expand the refresh space and the work space with the relocation of offices.
  • Introduce staggered commuting and working from home as an opportunity to combat COVID-19.

Support employees' asset formation

  • Selective defined contribution pension
  • Restricted stock compensation of CRE stock
  • Cumulative investment unit investment system (ESPP)

Executives and employees of the sponsor and the Asset Manager hold investment units

CRE REIT believes that more clearly showing investors their attitude towards fulfilling their responsibilities to achieve the sound growth of CRE REIT by not only CRE, the sponsor, but also the managements with the above responsibilities making their profit situation equal to that of the investors will be necessary to make the future management of CRE REIT or support for CRE REIT more meaningful and effective. Also, many executives and employees of the Asset Manager hold investment units of CRE REIT based on a cumulative investment system and internal regulations.

Company Title Name Units held (Note)
CRE President Tadahide Kameyama 722 units
The Asset Manager President Tsuyoshi Ito 1,221 units
Managing Director Takeshi Oka 80 units
14 out of 16 employees 209 units
(Note) As of December 31, 2023. Also, the number of each holding unit is rounded down to the nearest unit.

Support for professional qualifications and knowledge acquisition

  • Encourage to acquire qualifications by paying for expenses and bonuses for acquisition of qualifications.

Promotion of paid leave and introduction of consecutive summer vacation

Childcare leave, childcare leave at birth, nursing care leave, shortened working hour system

System for Receiving Requests and Grievances from Employees

The Asset Manager prohibits discrimination and harassment based on gender, age, place of birth, nationality, race, ethnicity, creed, religion, disability, or other factors, in its Compliance Manual and Regulations on the Prohibition of Harassment. A consultation desk has been established in the General Affairs Department to handle consultations and complaints regarding harassment, and in addition, the Whistle-blower desk has been established in the compliance department.
Whistle-blowers are protected by prohibitions against prejudicial treatment, etc. in accordance with the Whistle-blower Protection Act and internal regulations.
If an investigation or an evaluation reveals a violation of laws, regulations, internal rules, or other problematic conduct, the Asset Manager will promptly take corrective and recurrence-prevention measures.


2021/7 2022/7 2023/7
Full-time executive 2 2 2
  Male 2 2 2
  Female 0 0 0
  Female ratio to total 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Number of employees 13 15 16
  Male 7 8 8
  Female 6 7 8
  Female ratio to total 46.2% 46.7% 50.0%
 Of which, head of department (including deputy head) 2 4 4
  Male 2 3 3
  Female 0 1 1
  Female ratio to total 0.0% 25.0% 25.0%
 Of which, manager 5 5 6
  Male 2 2 2
  Female 3 3 4
  Female ratio to total 60.0% 60.0% 66.7%
Paid leave usage rate 35.8% 47.0% 50.3%
Childcare leave at birth usage rate None None None
Childcare leave usage rate None None None
  Male None None None
  Female None None None
Rate of returning to work after childcare leave at birth and childcare leave None None None
Nursing care leave usage rate None None None
Regular medical checkup receipt rate 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Turnover rate 7.7% 0.0% 0.0%
Average monthly overtime hours per person(Note) 17.5 hours 18.4 hours 19.1 hours
(Note) Calculated excluding super visors
  1. Top Page
  2. ESG
  3. Society
